Welcome, foolish mortals, to my haunted website. I am your webmaster, your ghost webmaster. *evil laugh*
Kindly load all the way in, please, and make room for everything. There's no turning back now.
Our tour begins here on this webpage -- okay, okay, I'll stop rewriting the Haunted Mansion script to fit the site. Anyhoo, welcome to Spookie Shroom! I'm Lore and I run this spooky little corner of the web.
This site is an attempt at creating a digital space that reflects my inner world, my personality, and my interests; somewhere to escape to when the rest of the world is too harsh for me. I hope you'll enjoy your visit here.

8/2/23: Whoops, didn't update for a long time. I've updated the header and a few of the images on the front page. I've also added a Status Cafe!
3/27/23: Long time no update! I've moved some stuff around and made it a lot easier to update this site now, so hopefully more content will appear soon! Also if you saw the site in it's destroyed state no you didn't. :U
12/7/22: Re-arranged some things and added just a few things but overall I'm finding it hard to write content for this site! Please bear with me.
10/31/22: ...And we're live! Welcome to Spookie Shroom, and Happy Halloween! I decided to officially publish the site today as not only is it Halloween but an important personal milestone day for myself. The site is pretty bare bones at the moment, but I will continue to update rather frequently as I settle into the site.
3/27/23: Long time no update! I've moved some stuff around and made it a lot easier to update this site now, so hopefully more content will appear soon! Also if you saw the site in it's destroyed state no you didn't. :U
12/7/22: Re-arranged some things and added just a few things but overall I'm finding it hard to write content for this site! Please bear with me.
10/31/22: ...And we're live! Welcome to Spookie Shroom, and Happy Halloween! I decided to officially publish the site today as not only is it Halloween but an important personal milestone day for myself. The site is pretty bare bones at the moment, but I will continue to update rather frequently as I settle into the site.